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  211 Maine

  • 211 Maine is a free, confidential resource that helps connect people to services that help them stay healthy, safe, and independent. This includes everything from food pantries and heating assistance to mental health services, support groups, or utilities assistance.
  • The 211 Maine Contact Center is based here in Maine. Mainers can connect to specialists and receive information and referrals by calling 211 (or 207-874-2211), texting their zip code to 898-211, or visiting
  • If you are an organization or provider that wants to be listed in the 211 Maine directory or needs to update their information, email


The second resource is currently focused on the Maine Highlands alone and features the BundleME ( website which is a developing comprehensive listing of resources for expectant parents and those with children under age 8 to get local help and resources when they need them. Currently this information is available in multiple social media formats and we will be adding a phone # once we hired staff.